This fall I will be teaching a variety of classes and workshops at multiple locations across Metro Detroit. Please find below the links to the art centers that I will be teaching at. Also, I will have a one day / all day Landscape Painting Workshop on August 23 at the Grosse Pointe Artists Association, […]
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Cloud Study on Arches Oil Paper
Cloud Study, 3″ x 9″, Oil on Arches Oil Paper, 2016 As I work on new ideas for different pieces, wait for current work to dry, or just want to push paint around and study form, I like to do smaller sized oil studies on paper. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been […]
Self Portrait Evolution
It’s always interesting to go back and look at how your style as an artist and approach to a medium evolves over years of repetition and work. The three paintings above represent a time period from 2009 to the present. They are in chronological order running counter clockwise starting with Grandpa’s Hat, 30″ x 40″, Oil […]